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sample selection
Northampton Museum & Art Gallery
Redevelopment Project​

Working with Creative Good Ltd, I provided interpretive planning support and guidance to the client team for phase one of a complete redevelopment of the museum, which includes the National Shoe Collection. Key considerations were clarity of storyline and communication.

Whitchurch Silk Mill, Hampshire
HLF Redevelopment Project​

Working with Creative Good Ltd, I provided interpretive planning and content guidance for both the HLF development and delivery phases for a new visitor journey through this Grade II 19th-century working silk mill. The emphasis was on creating a clear storyline and providing opportunities for family engagement.

Brown vs Board of Education
National Historic Site, Topeka, Kansas
Interpretive Center​

Working with Haley Sharpe Design Ltd, I provided interpretive planning and concept development for this award-winning Civil Rights museum interpreting the momentous 1954 Supreme Court decision banning segregation in public schools. Without a collection, the focus of the experience was on delivering complex messages in a meaningful way using simple interactivity, immersive environments and audio-visual storytelling.

St Albans Cathedral, Hertfordshire
'Alban, Britain's First Saint'
HLF Redevelopment Project​

Working with Mather and Co Ltd, I provided interpretive planning for a successful HLF bid to create a new interpretive scheme through the Cathedral and its grounds. This followed my earlier work for the Cathedral, producing a comprehensive report on the provision and potential of learning in all its forms at the site. 

Historic Jamestowne Project, Virginia
'Jamestown 400th' Project​

Working with Haley Sharpe Design Ltd, I was Project Coordinator for exhibit elements of this $60m redevelopment of the site of the first permanent English settlement in North America, founded in 1607. The site incorporates landscape interpretation and archaeological museum displays and my work included master planning, options development and appraisal, concept development, stakeholder consultation, research co-ordination, audio-visual development and community consultation co-ordination (African American and American Indian communities). The site was the focus of international commemoration for its 400th anniversary in 2007.